Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I went to my regular OB today. Here's the report, I lost 4 lbs ( I don't know how because I've been craving ice cream and pizza lately), my cervix is still thin but holding steady, and I start progesterone shots in a week. The shots will help me stop contracting which could be leading to a shortened cervix. I know, TMI, but I really don't have much else going in my life right now. Anyway, the shots- I only have to have once a week. I called Danny and told him the news. On a side note, Danny is not horrible for not going with me, I always wanted to go by myself with Ava and with this one too. I don't know why, but I do. So I called Danny and told him he gets to give me my shots every week. This is what I got back..... silence
Me: "hello?"
Me: "are you still there"
Danny: "are you being serious?"
Me: "yes I am, I need these shots once a week"
Danny: "you know how I am with needles, I'll puke for sure"
Me: "well I guess you have a week to get over yourself and put your big boy pants on."
Ok so here's the really mean part, I had already recruited my cousin who is also a nurse to come do them for me. I think I'll just let Danny worry about it until the time comes :). I told you, totally mean, but it's the only entertainment I have these days. I have another appointment with my maternal/fetal doctor tomorrow, so we will see if there's anything new to report.

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