Thursday, March 11, 2010

Break Downs and Bed Rest

We've had a major break down in the house. Me,no, computer yes. Apparently, we got a very yucky virus from Facebook. I blame it on Farmville because Danny is always on it, and I just don't see the entertainment factor. Anyway, instead of paying to get it fixed, which would be more expensive than what it was actually worth, we got a new computer (thanks mom). I'm still getting used to it, so this should be interesting.
As many already know or found out from my previous post, I'm pregnant!!! It seems like I can't do anything the easy way these days. I started bleeding during my 11th week and have continued into my 14th. Turns out my cervix is thinning, so to bed rest I go. :( I went to my first maternal fetal appt. today. The doctor said I am still in "the woods" and wants to see me weekly for an ultrasound. I am just a bundle of nerves and guilt.
I feel so bad because I can't do anything around the house or for Ava anymore. I just lay in bed like a slug. It has been amazing to see all of the great supporters I have. Danny has been awesome. Now he gets up early for work and comes home to cook, clean, and keep Ava entertained. My mom, oh what a savior she's been. She comes to pick Ava up every morning, cooks or orders out dinner for us, and has been going crazy getting things for me to do all day. The latest adventure, Jo Anne's. I'm not very crafty so this should be interesting. My grandma has been such a trooper too. When my mom has to work a couple of days a week, which is usually when I have my days off, she has been watching Ava. She doesn't complain one bit. I do feel really guilty for Ava though. I can't do anything for her, play with her like I used to, or even pick her up. She has had such a good attitude with it. I just hope that if she does end up with a sibling, she isn't jealous. My friend, Julie, has also been a huge help too. I couldn't have done it without all of her encouraging words and prayers. I have to stop and think how much worse things could be and how her family would always find the best in things. Oh what amazing people God has made, and I have the privilege to be surrounded by them.
Enough rambling for now. I will keep everyone posted how things go. Whatever the outcome, we will find the best in whatever God brings our way!

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