Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Baby update

Last Friday I got my cerclage out. After that I had to be monitored for an hour. The doctor didn't like some of the decels. she was having, so off we went for another sono. At the sono, BGM was breathing very shallow, had a very low heart rate, and took 20minutes to move. So off I went to be admitted to labor and delivery. Wouldn't you know that she looked fine at the sono there. Oh, my girls will be the death of me someday.
Today I had another appointment. My doc decided that if our little girl has not made her grand entrance by the 18th, we will be inducing. It seems like such a long way away, but it's only a week and a half from now!!! Wow, I can't believe it. I have been feeling really guilty lately. I know this is going to sound crazy, but I feel bad that Ava's life will never be the same again. She only has a week and a half left of being the only one getting attention. After that, she will have to share, and I just feel so bad for her. I hope other parents feel the same way. I am going to make a point to have just mom and Ava days. I just hope I don't traumatize her from all of this. I know everyone is laughing at me right now because siblings are the norm, but I just feel awful.