Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sign me up for mother of the year. Well, maybe next yer.

I will have to admit, I have really been struggling with Ava and her terrible two's lately. She was such a perfect little baby and one year old, but this two year old business is for the birds. I think God is really smart in his plans. He makes sure that kiddos are so sweet in the beginning to get parents hooked, and then comes the tantrums, lack of hearing, and battle of wills. I love Ava sooo much, don't get me wrong, but there are some days bedtime can't come soon enough. Today was one of those days. I thought the day was going to be great, but boy was I wrong. Ava slept in until 8:30 which is a rarity, and woke up asking to go shopping. Do you see where I thought the day would be great. So off to Target we go. We were in there maybe ten minutes when she refused to sit in the cart. We have a rule that once you try to stand up, you get buckled in. Wow, the whole store had to have heard Ava's feeling about being strapped in. I got to the point I couldn't take the screaming anymore, and put her in "time out". That's right, in the middle of Target's shoe department, there was Ava with a red face and tears streaming down, sitting on the floor in Target. I will have to say, I got sooo many bad looks, I momentarily questioned what I was doing. When along came an angel walking down the isle. She looked down at Ava and then back up at me, "Good for you mom". I really needed that right at that moment. Oh, I pray that things get better, and her terrible two's won't be so terrible all of the time. Maybe I'll win mom of the year next year?!

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