Monday, August 15, 2011

Oh things can never be easy.

I write this post from the hospital, yes the hospital. At least it's me that's the pt and not either one of my little ones. WARNING: TMI and GROSS. ok, consider yourself warned.
Well, over a week ago I started feeling like I had the flu. I gave the doctor a call- don't worry about it. A couple of days later, things weren't any better but had a fever with it. Gave the doctor a call again- called in an antibiotic for mastitis. Well, a week passed and nothing got better. My one breast, which was a nice fiery red, was now purple. Then last night it opened and all sorts of nasties came out- sorry. I call the on call doctor and another prescription was called in and told to see them in the morning. So this morning I head in with my newest addition. The doctor gave one look at me, rather my boob, and sent me into the hospital. Thankfully I have the greatest family ever, and they came to pick up Emi. So I here I sit for at least two more days with IV antibiotics, and if things don't get any better, off to surgery I go. I have to keep reminding myself that things could be a lot worse, and to not have a little pity party. This too shall pass. Just some prayers would be nice for healing and comfort (mostly for Ava- she is struggling not having mommy at home)

1 comment:

  1. Oh no!!! Is this from Mastitis? My boob hurts just thinking about it. Prayers your way. Also, with all the antibiotics beware of thrush. It has been my enemy several times.
