Saturday, May 1, 2010

Going Back

To work that is. Thursday was my first day back to work. I have to admit, I have been so nervous to go back. I hadn't been able to sleep for the past week. But I stressed for nothing! It was so great getting back into the swing of things. It was nice to have something to distract me from thinking. I was a little slow at things, but I'm sure it won't take too long before I'm "good as new" :). The new charting program, even though I don't like it and it has its flaws, wasn't that hard to get the basics down.
Everyone was so nice. Before I thought I didn't want anyone to bring it up to me or give me words of encouragement. I found that it's even harder when people act like nothing happened and don't say anything. A coworker ( who has helped me sooo much with her words, prayers, and own experiences) said it perfectly, "you're grieving a loss, but they aren't acknowledging it".
One blessing out if this is I have gotten closer to some of my best friends and have found a closeness in others I never found before. I am so lucky to work with such amazing people. It's hard to put it into words. I work with some of the most awesome men and women. These people are so great at what they do. It's more than a job to us, it's our life. We treat these kids and their families as if they were our own children and family. My coworkers are more than just people I work with, they are my friends who I dearly love, admire, and am so, so thankful for. Wow, isn't God great for creating such angels on earth!!!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how God provides just what we need. Glad you are back. You are needed!
