Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Horrible mother moment

Today we were planning on leaving first thing in the morning to go to Niabi Zoo. Ava was really excited to see the two baby giraffes that arrived last winter. So I put Ava in the car seat and opened up the back of my car to make room for her stroller. I started walking back to the shed to get the stroller, when I hear my car start. For a second, I freaked. But I realized Ava must have pushed my automatic starter on my key. She was so proud of herself when I walked back, her smile was huge. So I loaded the stroller and shut the door. When I went to open up the back door to get my keys, it was locked!!! I forgot that my car locks when the automatic start is used to protect it from getting stolen. No biggy, I have another set of keys in my purse. But my purse was also locked in the car. By this time, Ava starts crying because she realizes she is locked in the car. Here I thought I would be this fantastic mom by enforcing the car seat firmly, so Ava has never once gotten out of the car seat, so she can "stay safe". Well that totally backfired today. She wouldn't even attempt to try to get out and unlock the car. By this time I am panicking just a little. The only thing that made me feel at ease was that the AC was on, so she wasn't cooking in there. Like many families, we only use our cell phones. Yep, you guessed it, in my purse with my spare set of keys. So I run to our neighbors, but they aren't home and they just have cell phones as well. I had to resort to running to my other neighbor's house (some may remember him as the nosy neighbor :) ). They also weren't home. I knew where they kept there spare key to the garage, so I unlocked it and used their phone in the garage. I first called my mom, so she could at least stand outside the car and try to keep Ava from freaking out. No answer, are you kidding me!!! My mom only answers numbers that she recognizes on caller ID. I left a rather "colorful" message and called back :). Needless to say, she answered the second time. Once she got over, I started looking through the phonebook for a lock smith. Finally I remembered (another great reason to live in a small town) the girl who cuts my hair- her dad has his own car shop. I call him, and he comes right over. He got my car unlocked in less than two minutes. By this time Ava and I are both crying. Usually I'm pretty calm, but it seemed like everything just kept going wrong. "Kara's dad" as Ava calls him, refused any money. I now have to do some detective work to find out his favorite place to eat, so Ava can make him a card and maybe take his wife out on us. The entire day, Ava told her great tale about "Kara's dad" saving her to whoever would listen. After I get over feeling like a horrible mom, I'll have to post some pics of the zoo trip.

1 comment:

  1. Larry has "saved the day" for us several times. You aren't a horrible mom. You're a great mom!

    Kristi K.
