As some people know, I love, love, love planning Ava's birthday parties. I spend a long time brain storming and putting together the perfect party to go along with a certain theme. Can you guess what this years theme is? That's right, Shiver me timbers, me be planning a pirate party, arrrrr. I have know idea why, but Ava loves playing pirates. I won't give away a lot of details because what fun would that be, but here's what we did today.
Each kiddo got a box with their invitation, a pirate costume, and gold coins.
This is what the invitations looked like for all of the "in towners". I'm sure my mom and I were quite the sight sitting outside and burning all of the invitations. I will have to admit, a couple got away from us, and we had to stomp them out before our fingers burned :)
I can not wait to see the party pics!!! You could do this as a profession!!