Monday, January 25, 2010

Stressed Out!!

Nothing new really going on here, but everything seems to be weighing me down lately. Normally, I'm a pretty positive person, but a bunch of "little" challenges have been piling one on top of another. My FIL's cancer is back, so that means more chemo/radiation and leaving Danny with fear, anger, and uncertainty. Then there's Ava. She has been wanting to be more and more independent. This should be good, but it seems like I have too much to do in the short amount of hours in the day, and being independent means I must have more patience and more time :(. Then the biggy that has been giving me sleepless nights. We have decided to move. Danny wants to get another fixer-upper, but I am unsure. I remember all of the work, stress, tears, and oh the mess!!! I'm leaning towards paying more for a house that doesn't need all of that TLC, but will I be happy with that decision for the next 15- 30 years? Oh, I just don't know what to do with all of this. Then I feel even worse when I think of all of those who's problems are so much bigger than mine. I'm just at a loss.

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