Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bad mood bears

Yesterday was another bad day for me. Not only was I gloomy, but I started to get plain mad. Yes I may be a little sensitive these days, but I can't believe what people say in front of me. No I don't want to hear about someone else getting pregnant, how there pregnancy is going, or pick out a baby shower gift from their registry. I am by no means mad at other women who are pregnant or just had a baby, just merely jealous and it brings up the empty dreams that I once had. But please people use your heads, I really don't want to hear about it yet.
Another thing that has really been making me mad is peoples reactions to what we are doing with any memorial gifts we receive for Gracie. We want to plant a memorial garden. These are the responses I get: "Don't you think you are over doing it a little?" and "Why are you doing all of this, you don't even have any memories of her." Yep, this is really what I have been hearing. No we are not over doing it. She was our baby. We have four months of memories and a lifetime full of dreams for her.
I have to say, we have had amazing support overall. I just wish people would think before they say things. Ok, enough with my ranting. On a better note, we are starting to plan a memorial garden for Gracie. We are running into problems though because we aren't planning on staying in this house forever. I'm trying to come up with some ideas for a garden that includes only planted flowers and a tree. I don't want it to look goddy, and I'm not very creative so we are a little stumped right now. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated at this point..


  1. Glad you guys got out and had a date night, even if it didn't go as well as planned. I can't believe some of the things you are hearing. I am so sorry for that. Everyone grieves in their own little way, and I've learned over and over again that there is no "right" or "wrong" way! I think you guys are handling things beautifully! Thinking of you all!

  2. Bethany, Good to hear you are having some good times mixed with the bad. I'm so glad that you have Danny to lean on. I'm gonna have to meet him sometime. Please know that even though I haven't called, I think of you daily. I'm so glad you got to see Gracie one last time until heaven. How is Ava, does she understand? I miss you a lot hope to see ya soon. Deb
